Sunday, November 30, 2008

Pictures of Our House


After a lot of hard work we've finally put our house on the market.
Many people need thanking, especially my dad (we would never had pulled it off without you), Papa Lu, Adam, Kari, Lester, Michelle, Pablo, and My mom (who watched the little people a lot)!

Thank you all so very much!

There are a lot of pictures here but this is a record for us too. Since I actually print out my blog from time to time and put it in the kiddos memory books.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

House For Sale

Hey..we've finally done it! Our house is on the market. Wish us a successful quick sale since we've already found a house we love! I will post pictures and listing info soon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I won't ever throw you in a garbage truck

The other night I found Emerson in bed with an open book on his face. He told me he puts the book on his face so he can't see the scarey things in his room. "You know, like insects and spooky stuff and screepy somepin' like that."
Feeling really bad and worried that my little guy falls asleep each night with a book on his face, last night I gave him a night light for his room. He was so happy and relieved and very lovingly told me, "Thanks mom! You're my best mom ever and I won't ever throw you in a garbage truck."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Emerson the Amazing

Magician! You will not believe your eyes.....

For those of you needing a translation:

See this doggie? I'm going to poof him to go into this basket.
When I say one, two, three, you need to say abracadabra really loud.
OK. One. Two. Three.
(giggles from the audience)
Do you see this fireman? I'm going to poof him into a frog.
Say abracadabra.
He's gone!
He's gone!