Monday, November 29, 2010


Last Week :
"Mom, when I'm president I'm going to make a law that says,'No more building. We don't need any more buildings in this world.' Maybe juf like six or seven."

I asked Emerson if he had any ideas on something special that we can make daddy for Christmas. His reply, "Awe man, I'm already making somefing special for you. I juf want to buy him a shirt, OK?"

"Mom, I don't need to watch the garbage truck today. I fink I'm too old for that now. You know some people have different changes at different times."

Saddened, I walked over and gave him a kiss.

20 minutes later when the garbage truck pulls up he excitedly runs to the window, opens it and starts waving and shouting his usual, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for helping to clean Mother Earf!!"

"Phew!" I thought, smiling.