Monday, May 19, 2008

Garden Update

Check out how our garden is growing! We have over 70 tomatoes, beautiful marigolds, zinnias, and a ton of patty pan squash. We thought we were planting zucchini but this clearly is not zucchini. The lettuce is done but we have some vine spinach, garlic chives, and rosemary to plant now. I think we will pull up the squash soon. Even though it is flourishing I am disappointed since I thought I was planting zucchini which is my favorite. Our friends have taken several of the flowers and made Flor de Calabaza soup and quesadillas with them. So there is some good in the mistake. And I will be able to plant a fall garden in August. I will be sure to plant zucchini then.

Another interesting thing about our garden...the kids planted their jack-o-lantern pumpkins seeds in the fall in a hole that Bonnie dug in the yard. The vines are growing wonderfully and we have lots of "male" blossoms but no "female" blossoms. There were several female blossoms and even a tiny pumpkin about a month ago but it only lasted about 1 week. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to encourage female blossom growth?

Yes, our tomato plants are taller than the kids. They are almost taller than me.