Monday, May 17, 2010

Hello 40!!

I'm number to the woman in the bikini....with a smile on my face....I was thrilled!

As a 40th birthday present to myself, I decided to complete a triathlon. A triathlon is a sporting event that includes swimming, biking, and running all on the same day. I had a minor glitch in my plans. I did not know how to swim and I have major chronic pain in my feet (I have 6 tumors on the nerves in my feet).

I figured the bike would be the easiest, I might drown in the water, and the run would be very painful. After swimming lessons and a new bike, I can say I completed my first triathlon yesterday!!!!

I floundered in the water, unable to slow my heart, I swam the distance on my took me a while but I did it. My legs felt like rubber running from the lake to the bike transition area. After drying my feet, putting my socks and sneaks on, I got on my bike and rode through rolling hills past creeks and farms. I got off my bike, threw my helmet down, and headed out for the run. This was the hardest for me. I walked most of it. But there was a wonderful lady who refused to pass me. Staying at my heels she encouraged me to finish strong and jog. So I jogged the last bit with her encouragement. I looked really good running across the finish line!!

I feel strong and ready to take on this decade with strength, determination, and confidence!!! Yes, I ROCK!!

Hello 40!!!

(now can someone get me some new nerves in my feet, please?)

Just after the swim and onto the bike....dripping wet...

At the end of the bike ride...this was the best part for me.
That's me in the yellow shirt...limping to the run/walk portion....