Thursday, August 27, 2009

4 Friends and Word Families

Here are our beeswax sculptures from our 4 Processes Story. We have Patty Plus who lazily rests under the cherry tree counting his cherries one by one, Max Multiply who cartwheels around quickly filling his bucket with cherries by the handful, Mini Minus, a giver, who feeds all the animals of the forest and tries to make everyone happy, and King Dominic Divide who demands an equal share for every hand. Annie also made a cherry pie to divide. We spent the past 3 weeks with these 4 friends before we moved on to our Word Family block. (more below)

Here is a picture of our Board drawing this week. It is the town of Conso Nant. The family of Oat, who got lost on an afternoon mountain hike, found help in the town with the N,C, Fl,B,V,G, and M houses this week. Stay tuned for the next exciting adventure of the ool/ule family. This chalk drawing was created by Annie, Mom and Em.
(this drawing is 3 feet by 4 feet)