My Gram's house. I lived here from age 7-16.
Dick Gullo's office. I worked there for 12 years. He was a good boss and a great person.
The Rochester Auditorium Theater, Main St. This pic does not do it justice.
I think there was a restaurant here called Cathay Pegoda. My Grandma G liked to go there.
Eastman Theater
Sibley Building. Sibley's was a Department store. They had the coolest Christmas display. Each year we would go downtown to see Santa and his reindeer and get a kazoo. I remember blowing raspberries into my kazoo while crossing the slushy street to midtown plaza to ride the monorail.
A cool mural on the corner of Main & Clinton. This used to be Woolworth's Five and Dime. I used to do all of my Christmas Shopping here as a kid/teen. They had am escalator and a lunch counter. I think it closed in the early 90's.
Another view of the Sibley Building. Amy, wasn't your orthodontist in there?
Across the street from the Powers Building
This is the Powers Building.
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