Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Annie Rides Her Bike!!

I'm so proud of Annabelle, as she has just learned how to ride a bike without training wheels!

For a few weeks, Annie would practice 'coasting' around the driveway without any pedals or training wheels on her bike. I promised her that she could take her time and tell me when she was ready for pedals. I also promised her that when she learned to ride with pedals that we would go to the store and buy a bike bell.

Michelle put the pedals back on the bike the other day and Annie practiced coasting around again for a few days. Not long after that, on the day of this video, she told me she was ready to try to pedal. She wanted me to hold on to her, but I told her that she already knew the hard part (balancing). A few minutes later, without any pressure or coaxing, she rode around the driveway by herself! Completely hands-off training!

I'm so proud of you Annie! Oh, and by the way, she did pick out a bike bell, and Emerson got to choose the celebration ice cream!

Love Daddy